The TTT network

During 2020, TTT started construction work on its own European network with the aim of giving an international imprint to the impact of its activities, for the benefit of young people from Agrigento involved in exchange actions in the city of Agrigento itself, encouraging greater openness thanks to constant contact with young students and workers from the rest of Europe and the world.

In the summer of 2020 we carried out an exchange project in Spain centered on the theme of youth entrepreneurship and through which we initiated new contacts with Universities and Vocational Education and Training (VET) Institutes which have already produced several mobility projects in the form of training internships for VET students (in collaboration with IES PÉREZ GALDÓS, Spain) and university students as part of the Erasmus+ programme: between 2020 and 2022 TTT managed to bring more than 200 students to Agrigento for exchanges or work experiences.

In December 2021 the TTT also successfully applied to join the Youth for Exchange and Understanding (YEU) International Network which counts among its members organizations from more than 30 countries in Europe and North Africa, acquiring a network of partners, experiences and know-how of enormous value for the European future of the Association.

Since February 2022 we have also collaborated with the University Consortium of Agrigento and all the training institutions that are part of it, trying to promote new agreements between our Institutes and other European and international counterparts and the Agrigento Campus of the University of Palermo; in particular, TTT is working on accreditation to the Erasmus+ program for Agorà Mundi Scuola Superiore di Studi Superiori per Mediatori Linguistici.

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